Trent has been gone to Africa for one week now. Longest. week. ever. Two more to go. I'm torn in the middle between not wishing time away because I know God is using him and his team in a special way in Busia (Busia is located here) and wishing it would hurry so Trent can be back home. I'm trying to fight flesh on this one, but one thing is for sure, I miss that man more than words. So, I am respectfully counting down the days.
We haven't been able to talk except a few minutes last Saturday and a few sentences shared in Facebook messages. Occasionally his team is able to blog, so I am encouraged every time I see the work they are doing. (By the way, you HAVE to check out their blogs - so refreshing!) TC is with a pretty incredible team of students and I know this trip will be life changing for all of them.
I've been blessed by many good friends and a wonderful family who have helped to keep me busy and distracted. In fact, this is the first time this week I've even been able to sit and write about this experience. But God is good. The extravert feeler in me needed just that (tears come a little to easy). I am thankful for such wonderful people in my life - the kind who start their day praying with you (for you, your husband and his team), let you crash in their spare room, let you tag along as the third wheel, and meet you in the middle even though they have a lot on their to-do list.
Missing all the silly little things and counting down the days...