Thursday, June 28, 2012

toilet paper

Post #1 of the newlywed series.

It’s ridiculous really, that one of our first “discussions” (we prefer this terminology to “argument”) was about toilet paper. On our honeymoon.  And while it wasn’t really a “discussion”, I think my tone said otherwise.

“Do you have a preference on toilet paper – over or under?” My sweet husband of 3 days inquired.
“Of course not. That would be silly.” (I really don’t remember my exact response because at this moment, I immediately felt new-wife insecurity creep up – I immediately thought to myself “YOU put the toilet paper on wrong and your husband is now taking issue with it. Way to go.”). Notice the second part of my sentence. In half a second, my defense mechanism was flying. I guarded myself to protect myself and ultimately took a jab at him to make myself feel better. (I feel the judgment, but believe me I realized it – an embarrassing revelation).
Insert his logical thought. “Well, since you don’t, and I do, could we roll the toilet paper over the top?”
Let me break this moment down for you. TC, who now tells you he regrets bringing it up on our honeymoon, was simply recognizing something we had never had to deal with before. He seized the opportunity. I, who constantly reassures my husband when we laugh about this story that he absolutely should not feel bad about having brought up toilet paper on day 3 of our honeymoon, came face to face with the recognition that I was now sharing my life and the learning was just beginning 
As a master’s level marriage and family therapist, this is not exactly how I imagined my first “discussion” as a married woman would go. I thought it would be a far more in-depth, theory crushing, practical application of communication skill-building “discussion.”  I was having to adjust - a revelation that never should have taken me off guard because I’d studied relationships for years (I know…). However, “knowing” did not make me immune to the challenges of two unique people coming together. I was going to adjust a lot. As Dr. Emerson Eggerich says “Life is in the daily” (Love and Respect).
We laugh about it now and have dissected that moment multiple times. What TC says he realized is timing is important. I realized that things had been my way for a long time. I didn’t care what way the toilet paper came off the roll. But I was married now. To my best friend. And that meant we would be sharing life together, including toilet paper rolls. And if my husband had a preference I could show a simple way I care about the seemingly “little” things by meeting this request.
Before I make my husband sound like a crazy request maker (except all of you other die hard “over-or-under toilet paper-ers" who are undoubtedly taking his side on this one), I want to highlight my mentality. Unfortunately in that moment it was about being right for me, and about attempting to be a “perfect” wife in 3 days of marriage – no flaws, everything like a well-oiled machined. The toilet paper discussion taught me early on:  Sometimes I’d be wrong. Sometimes I’d be right. Sometimes we’d agree. Sometimes we wouldn’t. Sometimes I’d have a preference. Sometimes I would have no preference, and so could always find a simple way to remind my husband his preferences and his thoughts matter to me, because he matters to me. There were a lot of other things I learned from this really small conversation, but we can save it for later.
Two years later, the toilet paper always goes over the top.
P.S. TC approved this post J

Monday, June 25, 2012

the newlywed series

I’ve had a lot of friends get married in the past two years since Trent and I got married June 5th, 2010. I always try to think of what special moment, memory or lesson I can pass along to encourage my newly married or soon-to-be-married friends. Marriage is good. I’ve always believed that. It’s why I pursued a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. I believe in marriage between a man and a woman and the life of love it can bring.

I am definitely not making the assumption we all will go through the same things. We’re all in different stages and places in life. We all have our own trials and struggles to go through. But I hope to share some funny and encouraging insight into our lives as newlyweds. It’s not been perfect, but I am absolutely convinced every bump in the road, every good and bad date and every crazy fun adventure has increased our strength, happiness and faith.

I’ve listened to others, read their stories and been encouraged by them. I want to do the same.  I want to share our experience and hopefully grow from it along the way too. And please – if you’ve been there share your stories in the comments!  Enjoy the next few posts!      

PS. My computer was recently stepped on and my camera still rests unfixed. Thus my visual additions will be limited. 

Friday, June 8, 2012


Finally home. Three weeks is a looonnng time without your best friend.
Needless to say, my heart is very, very happy he's home.

The YHM groups had a great turn out welcoming them back home!
P.S Thanks dad for snapping the pics!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Anniversary

A letter to my love.

Happy Anniversary, TC!
It seems crazy to think it has already been two years. I don't know how I could possibly put into words everything I've learned, like and love about us - about you. Thank you for being the man and husband you have been these past two years. I wrote a letter this past weekend to a friend trying to share all the things I've learned about marriage in just two years. I'm thankful I could share the things I did with her. Thankful that through the good times we love deeply and celebrate. Thankful that through tough times we love even deeper and get even stronger. Thankful God is always at the center.
These are the words I think about when I think about us:

Love Friendship Romance Intimacy Forgiveness Humility Laughter
Kindness Gentleness Honor Respect Memories Hope Trust
Faith Prayer Smiles Dreams Dating Protective Perseverence
Communication Service Giving Sacrifice Committment Appreciation Gratitude
Adventure Creativity Encouragement

I could have wrote pages on each one.
Thank you for being the husband God called you to be and showing me what it means to have those words be a part of our marriage. I'm so happy I married my best friend on June 5, 2010. It's as wonderful as I always dreamed.

 I love you and I always, always will.
"Grow old... with me, the best is yet to be..."

I love you, TC. To the moon and back.
Hurry home to me!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rehearsal Dinner Memory

Two years ago tonight (speechless!) TC and I were getting ready for our wedding day at our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. All of our best friends and family were there to celebrate...We LOVED our rehearsal night. And I love reflecting, part of the reason I blog, so tonight I spent the evening going through photo albums. I added a pic from our perfect rehearsal dinner (a little blurry). And since TC is not here, it seems like a perfect way to spend the evening. Happy almost Anniversary, love!

Found another! But I have to give credit to my Sarah Rose for this one :)

New Friends and Reunions

My sweet friend, Falon, is getting married in less than two weeks! We were college roommates 5 years ago. Time flies! This past weekend we celebrated, bride, bridesmaids, and friends in Tybee Island and Savannah, GA. We had a such a great time relaxing and catching up! I met new friends this week and reunited with some of my favorites. Perfection.

We spent Saturday on the beach swimming, tanning, talking and paddle-boarding.

 We watched Jukebox Journey at the Old Historic Savannah Theater! Fabulous.


 The beautiful bride!
 The girl's getting ready to watch the show...we all wore black and the bride wore white! It was fun!      
My favorite, Sarah Rose. And Falon on stage (the crown drew a lot of attention...clearly).

Recapping the show...

Thankful for restful and rejuvenating weekends. Ready for TC to be home. TWO MORE DAYS! Speaking of which...our two year anniversary is tomorrow. Miss that man more than words.

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