Saturday, November 24, 2012

Feeling Nostalgic

I've been feeling nostalgic lately. Blame it on pinterest, Thanksgiving week, family photo albums... Memory lane is so enchanting.
The gem I discovered this week...
I think I will frame it.
My sister and I have always loved Christmas...thanks to mom and dad. The above picture was snapped at a Christmas tree farm... tree farms still bring me the warmest feelings. Maybe that's why I dream of having one... ('s on my bucket list...)

Dad and I started decorating the house for mom since she is in TN. She wanted rustic. Here's a peak at what we have done so far...

We had the monogram frame, the log slats and the pillar candles, so it was only a matter of combining all of the items together. We had fun creating the mantle... The garland is actually grapevine with a strand of lights loosely draped. Fantastic and rustic.
We are adding logs to the buckets at the bottom, but feel very happy with the finished results. Our tree is simpler this year. Two strands of lights are embellished with fabric strap ties and grapevine wrap. Beautiful!
Dad and I found these gorgeous wreaths at Walmart -we were so surprised to find out they were real and only $5 a piece. We aren't finished with it yet, but we are pretty excited about it so far. We are putting log slat under the candles. I added ornaments today too.. 
Thanks, Pinterest, for the ornament/chandelier idea
The foyer...we haven't finished it yet, but we are waiting on a creative idea to hit us. The burlap wreath on the mirror looks better than this pic reveals. The pinecones in the bucket are fun and traditional.  
"Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things" - My Favorite Things
This year, TC and I are wrapping all of our presents in brown paper. My first wrapped gift was added to the decor today.
All this rustic, homemade, nostalgic, and traditional effort made me grab a few other old fashioned items at the store...and yes, I did make an orange and clove ornament....Remember those???



"Keep your eyes open to your mercies.
The man who forgets to be thankful has
fallen asleep in life." - Robert Louis Stevenson
I've been reading everyone's Facebook posts about what they are thankful for each day. I know it has gotten on some people's nerves, but I personally think it's been great. It's nice to get on Facebook and see positive comments instead of "poor me" posts or complaints. We have a lot to be thankful for in life... simple details to major provisions. Though I did not join the multitudes posting on Facebook, I am abundantly thankful for many things in my life. Last year, I made a Thanksgiving list of all the things I am thankful for - and I'm grateful all the more this year.

Mom was in TN with my grandfather this year so she could not be here for Thanksgiving with us! She was missed! As TC says, she is the "Commander of Fun," the "General of Good Times, the "President of Partying". Seems funny but my mom (and my aunt) add a ton of fun to every family holiday. Though it was different from last year without my mom, sister and brother-in-law, Dad, TC and I had a fantastic time relaxing and enjoying  the lack of an agenda (except, of course, for our thorough planning of Black Friday).

I managed to successfully cook Thanksgiving dinner. (*Brag moment*) Because I love Thanksgiving dinner (Christmas dinner too) so much, I could not figure out what to sacrifice, so I cooked everything we usually do, but halved the recipes. Delicious. This year we missed the paper...:( We forgot it was on Wednesday night (see what happens when people are missing...I tried to keep everything up to par, but ehhh). For the most part we managed to squeeze in every part of fun and relaxation we could. Snapshots of the week are below. I hope everyone had a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!

Treats to start the week off

We worked on a Christmas puzzle

Dad and I prepared the turkey

Watched the Macy's Day Parade in our Christmas pjs
Enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner

Prepared for Black Friday!
 **Baking, Thanksgiving dinner prep, a Christmas puzzle, Christmas movies, white chocolate milkshakes, Black Friday list making, late night movie, last minute Walmart run, Christmas music, pumpkin bread, pecan pie aroma in the air....I love it!** - Facebook post from Thanksgiving night

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bonfires and Fake Snow

This weekend started with some humor from my husband. "Question," he asked as I was scurrying to get ready for our first Friday night plans involving a date in months. "Have you ever heard of this thing called 'the weekend'?" " sounds vaguely familiar...." I grinned. "Well supposedly it's something people have who work 40 hours a week - they get two days off," said TC. "That's crazy!"
If you don't laugh you'll cry. :) And if you don't make time, you'll waste time. So with 45 minutes to spare before a scheduled college and career event, we rushed downtown for the annual Christmas tree lighting. It was even better that we thought it would be! There was free hot chocolate, snow machines, dancing, live music, pictures with Santa, lights on the shops and around the square and face painting and a petting zoo for children. It was fantastic! FYI: If you are wondering what local things you can do this holiday season (and all year round) monthly, local parenting magazine have the best's usually how we find out details about local shindigs. Yes, I am brave enough to pick up a parenting magazine...

After the lighting of the Christmas tree we hopped in the car and rushed over to help dad finish setting up for the college and career bonfire. We cooked hot dogs and roasted marhsmellows, played a few games and lost track of time. Only our numb fingers indicated how long we had been outside!

Thankful for experiencing a weekend again...



Last weekend two of my best friends were married. They are absolutely the most loving, deserving and kind-hearted people around. I'm thankful TC and I have friends like them. Here's to many years of happiness and joy! Love you both!

My man looking good in his new suit!

Welcome to the Married-People club, Mr. and Mrs. Smith!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


“How did it get so late so soon?”
― Dr. Seuss

It seems time has gotten away from me. It's hard to believe my last post was July 3rd! Blogging...I've missed you!

This is my favorite time of year...and I am so afraid it is going to pass me by without a second glance if I don't slow down. And so I write.

You may ask, "What, hey tell, have you been doing these past few months?" Or maybe not, but I feel compelled to share. I stopped blogging in July when my dear TC stepped on my computer and shattered the screen. (It's a sensitive topic). I attempted to use his computer to blog, but he has a mac. Yes, that's right, I cannot use a mac - at least not without becoming instantly frustrated. So I waited to continue writing until I purchased a new pc, which did not come until tax free weekend in August.

Before my new computer arrived, my camera also broke - technology was not kind to me this summer. It broke just in time for our cruise we took to Mexico. Thankfully, my dad saved the day and let me borrow his camera. The cruise was fantastic. A true vacation. No cell phones, computer, text messages, agenda (unless you count the "fun"-filled schedule provided by Carnival Cruise Lines), or work assignments. Bliss. We loved it.

Back from the cruise, back to reality, back to CRAZINESS. In this same time period of July/August, TC was offered an additional role at UM as the Assistant Women's Soccer Coach... Absolutely thrilled! We feel it was and is such a blessing that he has been able to work with such an awesome head coach and incredible team. Speaking of which, they are currently ranked #2 in the nation. Yes, you may call him Coach T- I'm so proud!

August is the busiest month for us at our jobs. We love our jobs, but August does not leave much room for anything outside of work. Add to what we felt was already a pretty full working schedule TC's role as the new Assistant Women's Soccer Coach (*Cheers/Applause*), working to help my mother with her ever-growing business (check out Elizabeth Ann's), my teaching a psychology course, and other everyday life surprises - voila! August extended into November and produced an absent blogger. But absolutely no complaints. August, September, October...I've been reminded of the great friendships I have that can withstand the obstacles of time. I've been reminded that family is so important and so refreshing in the midst of abundant stress. I've been reminded home is a haven from the chaos. I've been reminded to be intentional as always in all things. And I've been reminded of God's constant sovereignty and provision. With that said, I will be grateful for a slowdown :)

A brief update on recent events: My grandfather is doing well and recovering wonderfully from both surgeries (THANK YOU for your prayers), my two dear friends are getting married and TC's team is playing in the SSAC Quarterfinals tournament this weekend, and TC and I finally got to spend an ENTIRE day together this past Sunday had a great time getting in the Christmas spirit!

It's good to be back.
We did manage to sneak a photo session in with Love Ya Jess 
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