Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve

It's Thanksgiving Eve. It's also late and everyone has gone to bed. I should be there too so I will feel rested bright and early, but it feels appropriate to reflect on the day. I want to record what I've done so I'll always be able to look back and reminisce on the traditions of my family. Reminisce as defined by my google search is to "Indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events." Perfectly defined. I want to always indulge enjoyably in all of our good memories.

Sis and her husband are coming in the morning and I can hardly wait. Mom and I spent the day getting all of our casseroles and pies ready. The sweet potato casserole, macaroni and cheese bake, broccoli casserole, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, red velvet cake, dumplings, dressing, turkey, cranberry sauce...divine. Usually the same menu every year. Slight variations, but usually these are the traditional dishes. And because they are traditional, I love them. Actually, I love them because these dishes are absolutely delish. I wait for this combo every year. My two favorite meals - Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner - the two meals that deserve the "you've out-done-yourself" reaction, the "how will we ever eat all of this" response, the "this is my favorite food ever" smile, and the "I've waited all year for this" excitement. Christmas dinner looks very close to Thanksgiving's, but with even more food... Amazing... 

Nanny and Papa came this afternoon and joined in on the baking and taste-testing. After dinner, TC, mom, and I went to retrieve an early release of the Thanksgiving Day newspaper. This is the second year our local newspaper has done this. It's been quite a success. Tonight the lines were massive and moving slowly, so mom and I decided to walk the rest of the way. We divided and conquered. Good thing...they were running low! We did not go through the paper when we got home, primarily because of... tradition (surprise!)- that's a Thanksgiving Day activity. Instead, we started another activity...but that's a secret. Until tomorrow....

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my dear friends and family. Count your blessings. We have many.

Dinner prep

Downtown's Christms spirit
Not the only one's with this tradition

Our Thanksgiving Day newspaper

What are they up too?


Nesser said...

I loved this post so much! I miss having Thanksgiving with ya'll! I love all of our traditions! Jealous about the early release of the NewsPaper! And I thought that was my Mom in the last photo!

Brenda said...

I loved this post, too, Brooke! Love you and am thankful for you!

LOVE TC's face in the last pic! :>)

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