Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why Blog?

Blogging? Before I fully committed to the art of blogging, I wanted to make sure I had good reason. Perhaps the "rationalizer" in me needed a reason, or the realization it could become a quickly forgotten "chore" if not truly a wanted embarkation. However, I found the reasons to be inspiring. Reasons I've always preached and believed. Reasons I needed to start living out. So I started writing, and once I started sharing with people the "why" of my blogging, I found the reasons to be affirmed. Life is too short not to be enjoyed fully; and as my dear friend kindly reminded me, life is often experienced  in the mundane, seemingly "un-reportable" moments. And so I'll write on.

I sometimes feel my generation can be guilty of striving to get to the "next level", the next major life stage, the next major accomplishment and we tend to forget, devalue, or ignore the process of getting there. We don't care how we get to the next pivotal life point, just that we do - and once we get there, we can life...appreciating things around us. Such a sad thought. Think about how much gets missed? Maybe you haven't felt this way, but it was (and still can be) a struggle I found myself in. I came to a point that I did not want any more time to pass by un-grateful, un-energetic, or un-lived to the absolute fullest potential. Time is my witness to how fast life can pass by. My first year of marriage already seems so far away, recollected in just a moment. But I don't want to remember it for only a few seconds. I want to remember for hours... the details- because I've found the little details are so often where God is working the most in my life. I want to remember the answered prayers, the perfect connections, the lighted path, the crazy adventures, the silly moments, and the heart-tugging experiences. I want to be intentional about reflection, intentional about purpose and direction, and intentional about my future, our future. I want to be intentional about living and loving.

So why did I start to blog?

First, I enjoy writing; however, I'm terrible about committing to penning anything. In school it seemed easier, but now that I have graduated, I find it far more difficult. I did not want to go for years without the first journaling or expressing of thoughts. Blogging is a way I can commit to a hobby I really do enjoy.

Secondly, for over a year now, I have been delighted and encouraged through the reading of a college friend's blog. We rarely talk, but I feel joyful about her life. I love witnessing her experiences. And through reading her frequent blogs, I felt convicted by not embracing the place of life I found myself in - there's so much to be experienced, so many people to love, so much to be appreciated. The hope: maybe I could inspire someone, as I was inspired by my friend, to embrace life more abundantly.

Lastly, blogging? How would it help? What would I have to share? So much. So much seemingly insignificant, but beautiful, adventurous details. About daily blessings. Daily reminders. Daily lessons. Daily life. "Stuff" important to me and "stuff" I wanted to (hopefully and eventually) use to encourage others. I just simply wanted to be intentional about embracing and encouraging. I have now found that even if I did not "blog it", I'm far more aware of the little moments in life. A lesson I'm thankful for even if blogging ceases to be a part of my life.

I like the Max Lucado quote on a birthday card recently given to me:

There is more to your life than you ever thought.
There is more to your story than what you have read.
- Max Lucado

We all have a story. I know God is in my story, writing, marking, editing, working on the characters, illustrating, plotting, designing, and creating. I truly want Him to be the author, and I, a captivated reader in every chapter. I want to read every word, not merely the last paragraph. I want to share in and share with others the goodness of His mercy every single day.

God is so good. All the time.

P.S. Check out Times Gone By for newly added pictures...finally!


Deb said...

Insightful, refreshing, encouraging and inspiring. I love it, Brooke. Beautiful. Thanks for the reminders.

Heather Lewis said...

I love this and totally agree! I try and blog as much as I can too. And even if many people dont read or comment on my post , it still makes me feel better to write things down and look back at events and memories we make growing in our little family day by day . I dont want to forget a min. , thats why I've always takin so many pictures my whole life. And a reason why I became a photographer and LOVE seeing people so happy over their photos and the precious moments that I capture for them! =] So my point that i totally agree with you =]

Laura Ward said...

I'm convinced we have to have daily reminders of God's goodness & grace or we're going to forget. What a great way to remind yourself, and encourage others, that God is at work, writing our stories. I love reading your blog & seeing glimpses of your story, friend!

Victoria Brooke said...

It's true! Glad you enjoyed it! Loved the most recent engagement pictures you posted in Facebook!

Victoria Brooke said...

Absolutely! Totally agree. I miss you! Thank you for commenting!

Heather Lewis said...

Thank you mam! =] Are you friends with my photography facebook page??
Love reading all your post!
Follow me too =]

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