Tuesday was a nice reminder of that time. The college we work at invited Jon Acuff to come and speak during our regular, weekly worship gathering. Typically, I do not make events occurring this late, but I had heard many good (and funny) things about him so made it a point to attend. I am really glad I did. For those of you who are less familiar with Jon Acuff, he's written a few books - Quitter, Stuff Christians Like, and Gazelles, Baby Steps And 37 Other Things Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Debt. His blog, Stuff Christians Like, is followed by thousands of people. And he's a fantastic speaker - enlightening, humorous and convicting - as I learned Tuesday.
He made several great points and I really want to share them with others. I feel this would have been a really encouraging message to me back in my college days. A lot of these points are in his book, Quitter, but still worth summarizing.
He emphasizes the passion that's inside of us and what we do with it. It's where our influence comes from - in living the life God has called you too.
1. Figure out your dream (passion). If you know what your dream is but don't know where to
start, don't put it on the shelf. It only takes a small moment to change/make a big
person. God loves the mustard seed concept.
2. Give God your whole life. Why do we try and imagine the worst thing is going to happen
when we give God all? It's a trick our culture has played on us. (Consider Luke 11). You
want fame? The Alpha and Omega knows your name. We are already famous.
3. Stop trying to fix yourself. Christ came for the "broken bowls".
A few subpoints:
- Don't look for the perfect passion, make a list of what you love, work on each one - one at a time (and when you get to the #3 thing you love on your list you may discover its your passion, but are better at #3 because you worked on #1 and #2);
- Figure out what's in your core, not the execution of your dream (God will surprise you with a crazy execution!);
- Don't quit your day job. Christ prepped 30 years for His ministry. Start somewhere.
- "Someday" is not on your calendar
Ah Brooke. Thanks for sharing. A much needed encouragement after a night of recalling (with Emily A) the frustrations of our current false starts in this profession. Thanks for bringing us back to the truth of whose story we are currently walking in.
So cool that you got to meet him! And I agree with Deb - what an encouraging reminder that God is writing our story. No beginning is too small. We need only to trust Him and be faithful to persevere in the passion(s) He's placed in our hearts. Thanks, friend!
I love you both! Thank you for taking the time to read. It's been a really encouraging message this year...and reoccurring theme. I've been glad for the occasional reminder so I wanted to make sure I shared with someone else!
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