I love paydays. I'm sure most do. It's the fiscal reward for all of your hard work. It means you can breath, go out on the weekend, pay bills, splurge on the cute outfit you've been eyeing for a few weeks. Things seem to be less tense.
But this time, my definition of payday means something different. It wasn't monetary this week. And it's been something other than monetary many times before.
TC, or should I say Coach T, started teaching middle school physical education for the first time since graduating with a Physical Education degree. He also started as the head middle school football coach, and though he's coached for many years, this was the first time coaching while being a full time teacher at a school. Writing a note to Coach T for his lunch box last Wednesday, I started with, "It's payday!".... We've waited for this moment for years. He's waited and worked for it even longer. Years. Years of school. Years of applications and resumes. Years of working, enjoying and investing where he was while constantly being reassured of his calling to teach - for this moment. It was payday. The opportunity to start walking in a career he's had a passion for since he was a child.
This past week was student leader move-in week at the school. Yesterday was move-in day. My office works tirelessly for that moment (and countless moments past move-in day); we've worked all spring and summer to get ready for the next academic year. Move-in day is payday. The day where we meet the students we've prayed for and prepared for their arrival. As I spoke with student after student, I found myself moved to sentimental emotions over the awesome opportunity I've been given to be a part of their life - in a conversation, in a session, in a greeting.
Last night, Coach T and I went on a date (we have barely spoken in a week and a half! We've been working late, going to sleep earlier, and leaving before the other has a chance to say more than 'good morning'). We caught up on our weeks, how work has been and all the great moments the days have held. We started talking about the weeks quiet moments with our Heavenly Father, where we shared the whispers and reminders of our callings and excitement over our purpose to be right where we are. We were brought to tears. It was amazing that through our disconnect this week, we were both being assured of the place God has us. It was payday.
Many in my generation are quick to see the greener grass. Facebook is constantly reminding us of what others are doing or accomplishing making us feel we are behind. We see everyone who is successful and we forget what kind of quiet moments with the Father they may have gone through or what not-so-glamorous weeks (or years) they had to go through to get to that point. Or maybe they haven't had either, but regardless, I wouldn't trade my experience for anything.
I had a professor in college who consistently shared a motto: "Are you on your way to ministry, or are you ministering on your way?" Everyone who had ever taken him for a class usually repeated the slogan with a laugh because of his faithful presentation of the thought. He told the class he frequently has former students write to tell him they now know what he meant by that phrase. Fast forward years later, I was writing to tell him the very same thing. It's easy for us to be in a rush to reach a place where all the hard work is done. But I'm learning it should never be done - not as a believer and not in my calling. I don't want to rush and miss all the good God has for right now. He shaping me still, and in the busy I hope Coach T and me remember the most important things.
Luke 10:33 "But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was..."
I'm not on my way to some form of greatness where I merely choose to do something if I feel like it, but should always be mindful of ministering on my way. Wherever God leads me and wherever He has me, my hope is that I take time to have that conversation with someone who needs to be reminded of how faithful God is, who needs to be encouraged that no height, no depth could ever separate us from the love of our Heavenly Father, that I'm slow to begrudge or rush the role I'm in and that I am quick to work with all my might.
It might mean I'm not rolling in the millions. But I can't take it with me anyway.
Very well said and I DO see you ministering everyday! The greatest payday is yet to come. Congrats to Coach T.
There's nothing like those moments when "your deep gladness meets the world's great need" (to quote Frederick Buechner) and you experience the confirmation of the call you've been following faithfully. Rejoicing with you & TC that you both got to experience that this week!
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